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Saturday 19 September 2009

Supernatural 5x02 – Good God Y’all.

Well Bobby is stuck at the hospital, his legs are busted and he is in a wheel chair being all doom and gloom, Sam & Dean are at the hospital checking out the brands on their ribs on an X-ray and also to see what they can do to cheer Bobby up. Sams' cell rings and guess who is on the other side, Cas, an angel on a cell phone and Dean does not hesitate to point that out to Cas when he gets there, apparently Cas can't find them anytime he wants like he used to as they have been hidden from all angels including himself. Bobby still in the room with them tells Cas to get at healing him but Cas says he can't because he has been caught off from heaven so his powers are not 100% and Bobby gets surlier the conversation going like this:

Bobby: You're telling me you lost your mojo just in time to get me stuck in this trap the rest of my life
Cas: I'm Sorry
Bobby: Shove it up your ass [Bobby turns his wheelchair to back them and face out the window]
Dean: [Whispers] At least he is talking now
Bobby: I heard that 

Cas then turns back to face the brothers and tells them their plan to kill Lucifer is a stupid one and will not work but he had an idea on who is stronger than the Archangel Michael and can defeat Lucifer, Sam asks Cas who this person might be and Cas says God, he's going to find God. And as you know the brothers took that with a lot of scepticism and the conversation goes like this: 

Dean closes the door
Dean: God????
Cas: Yes
Dean: God??
Cas: Yes, he isn't in heaven he has to be somewhere
Dean: Try New Mexico, I hear he's on a tortilla 
Cas: No he's not on any flat bread 
Dean: Listen chuckles, even if there is a God, he is either dead and that's the generous theory or he doesn't give a rats ass about any of us

 They go back and forth like this for a while, Cas is adamant that he can find God and needs some kind of amulet the glows hot in the presence of God, Bobby says he has never heard of such a thing and doesn't know how to find it but Cas looks at Dean and indicates that Dean knows where and what it is. Turns out its Dean's necklace, a necklace he has been wearing since the beginning so he has attachment issues but eventually turns it over and is not happy that he now feels naked without it.

After Cas leaves Bobby's cell rings and its hunter that goes by Rufus he is asking for helps in the midst of screams and gunshots the line goes dead, Sam & Dean take the task on and go to River Pass, Colorado. As they drive in the only bridge into town has been destroyed and they hike into town and find it deserted and in chaos with blood on the street so they move in cautiously only to be met by Ellen and old friend who douses them with holy water just to be sure they are who they say they are and then goes on the chastise them for being allergic to give her peace of mind by not calling to check in with her to let her know they are all right. 

Ellen explains that the town has been overrun by demons and they have possessed most of the town and killed the rest and only a handful on they remain, the brothers decide that they need more weapons so they go into town to get guns and salt. Dean is not sold on Sam coming with him as he is not sure he can trust Sam when it comes to demons and their blood but Sam tells him to trust him, Sam does encounter two demons, he kills them and its having a moment of weakness, he is craving the blood and might have had a little but Dean walks in and encounters the scene before him and just looks at Sam. Back at their hide out with the guns and salt they give the other a rush course on guns how to load and shoot, Ellen and San decide to go out to look for Joe and Rufus, they find a house with its chimney going and it turns out to be the demon hold and Sam makes and observation that "demons do not get cold" while being stealthy they get waylaid by two demons one of them Joe, they knock Sam out and Ellen runs back to the hide to tell Dean what happened.

Sam's tied to a chair, Joe and Rufus are trying to exorcise his demon because for some reason they think Sam is the one possessed and they are at a loss as to why the holy water and salt isn't burning him so they leave him alone ties to the chair to regroup. One of the towns' people who is supposed to be in the hide out with the others enters the room and pulls up a chair, Sam asks him "What are you?", they get to talking and it turns out he is one of the four horsemen on the apocalypse, War to be exact and he is just having fun playing the towns people against each other, no demons just a mass hallucination. 

Back at the hide out Dean is not far behind Sam in finding out what is going on, after Ellen describes the attack Dean begins to wonder why the hunter Rufus first came to this town, turn out he was following an omen which was a shooting star and a river that ran polluted all of a sudden, Dean reading from Revelation 8:10 figured out the horsemen angle and went to help convince Rufus and Joe and get War, Sam and Dean cornered War as he was trying to drive away in his shiny Red Mustang since they could not hill him the removed what he was using to cause the hallucination and he pooffed car and all.

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