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Monday 28 September 2009

NCIS, Season Premier

Last season we were left with the fallout from Tony shooting Rifkin to Ziva opting out of the NCIS to go back to do Mossad stuff, in this case it was trying to corner a terrorist up in the Horn of Africa [Somalia]. The team back in DC Tony, McGee and Abby believe Ziva is just not coming back any time some they believe that see needs time to clear her head, but the reality is far from that, unknown to them Ziva is in all kinds of trouble and it takes them a while to figure it out.

We open after the credits to Tony sitting in the same room that Ziva was being beaten in, he is strapped to a chair and the terrorist guy is questioning him and Tony is being his usual nonchalant self answering the questions with witty sarcasm but this doesn't phase the terrorist he injects Tony with a type of truth serum and begins to question him. During this interrogation process since the terrorist asks Tony what he is doing here, Tony goes into a detailed account of what he had being doing until the present moment.

He begins his story in May where he tells the terrorist how he and McGee are trying to subdue a sailor hyped up on drugs tearing up the exercise room, this dude is huge and McGee and Tony try to bring him down without any success and in comes Gibbs and bam just in one move he is down. Tony tells the terrorist about his team and the dynamics of how they work, he goes on and on and gets to the part where they are worried why Ziva has not mailed to say hello to anyone since she left, so Tony, McGee and Abby decide to hack her email to see if they can find her but she has disappeared from the radar, she is nowhere and Mossad are not being helpful. Tony goes to Gibbs with what he has then Gibbs in turn goes to Vance [His boss] and gets more info, it seem freighter headed to Somalia had an accident on the way and there were no survivors, Ziva was supposed to be on that freighter. 

The team is not going to take it lying down with more investigating they find that group of terrorists in Somalia have a female captive that was with them shortly after the freighter accident then she was subsequently executed a short time after, so they believe that female to be Ziva and that she is dead. Tony being Tony isn't gonna take it he wants revenge and he and the team come up with a plan to go in and destroy the terrorist cell.

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