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Tuesday 8 September 2009

Dollhouse Season 2 Promo

Despite low ratings in its first season, Dollhouse was renewed for a second season of thirteen episodes.  Among other factors, fan response to the show was seen as a reason for the renewal; FOX's president of entertainment stated that "if we'd cancelled Joss' show I'd probably have 110 million e-mails this morning from the fans." As part of the deal, there was a cut in the show's budget, though Whedon has stated that this will not affect the second season. The series will continue in its 9–10 pm Friday timeslot, with the season premiere scheduled for September 25, 2009. Season 2 of Dollhouse began filming on July 22, 2009, so Fox pushed back Dollhouse's return to afford Whedon & Co. sufficient time to produce enough hours to kick off the season with at least three or four consecutive episodes.
Miracle Laurie announced that she will be returning in the second season. Alexis Denisof will be joining the cast as Senator Daniel Perrin, and Summer Glau is scheduled to appear in at least two episodes as Bennett, a character who is working inside a Dollhouse. Michael Hogan and Jamie Bamber, will both have a cameo.
Source: wikipedia 

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