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Monday 28 September 2009

NCIS, Season Premier

Last season we were left with the fallout from Tony shooting Rifkin to Ziva opting out of the NCIS to go back to do Mossad stuff, in this case it was trying to corner a terrorist up in the Horn of Africa [Somalia]. The team back in DC Tony, McGee and Abby believe Ziva is just not coming back any time some they believe that see needs time to clear her head, but the reality is far from that, unknown to them Ziva is in all kinds of trouble and it takes them a while to figure it out.

We open after the credits to Tony sitting in the same room that Ziva was being beaten in, he is strapped to a chair and the terrorist guy is questioning him and Tony is being his usual nonchalant self answering the questions with witty sarcasm but this doesn't phase the terrorist he injects Tony with a type of truth serum and begins to question him. During this interrogation process since the terrorist asks Tony what he is doing here, Tony goes into a detailed account of what he had being doing until the present moment.

He begins his story in May where he tells the terrorist how he and McGee are trying to subdue a sailor hyped up on drugs tearing up the exercise room, this dude is huge and McGee and Tony try to bring him down without any success and in comes Gibbs and bam just in one move he is down. Tony tells the terrorist about his team and the dynamics of how they work, he goes on and on and gets to the part where they are worried why Ziva has not mailed to say hello to anyone since she left, so Tony, McGee and Abby decide to hack her email to see if they can find her but she has disappeared from the radar, she is nowhere and Mossad are not being helpful. Tony goes to Gibbs with what he has then Gibbs in turn goes to Vance [His boss] and gets more info, it seem freighter headed to Somalia had an accident on the way and there were no survivors, Ziva was supposed to be on that freighter. 

The team is not going to take it lying down with more investigating they find that group of terrorists in Somalia have a female captive that was with them shortly after the freighter accident then she was subsequently executed a short time after, so they believe that female to be Ziva and that she is dead. Tony being Tony isn't gonna take it he wants revenge and he and the team come up with a plan to go in and destroy the terrorist cell.

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Saturday 19 September 2009

Supernatural 5x02 – Good God Y’all.

Well Bobby is stuck at the hospital, his legs are busted and he is in a wheel chair being all doom and gloom, Sam & Dean are at the hospital checking out the brands on their ribs on an X-ray and also to see what they can do to cheer Bobby up. Sams' cell rings and guess who is on the other side, Cas, an angel on a cell phone and Dean does not hesitate to point that out to Cas when he gets there, apparently Cas can't find them anytime he wants like he used to as they have been hidden from all angels including himself. Bobby still in the room with them tells Cas to get at healing him but Cas says he can't because he has been caught off from heaven so his powers are not 100% and Bobby gets surlier the conversation going like this:

Bobby: You're telling me you lost your mojo just in time to get me stuck in this trap the rest of my life
Cas: I'm Sorry
Bobby: Shove it up your ass [Bobby turns his wheelchair to back them and face out the window]
Dean: [Whispers] At least he is talking now
Bobby: I heard that 

Cas then turns back to face the brothers and tells them their plan to kill Lucifer is a stupid one and will not work but he had an idea on who is stronger than the Archangel Michael and can defeat Lucifer, Sam asks Cas who this person might be and Cas says God, he's going to find God. And as you know the brothers took that with a lot of scepticism and the conversation goes like this: 

Dean closes the door
Dean: God????
Cas: Yes
Dean: God??
Cas: Yes, he isn't in heaven he has to be somewhere
Dean: Try New Mexico, I hear he's on a tortilla 
Cas: No he's not on any flat bread 
Dean: Listen chuckles, even if there is a God, he is either dead and that's the generous theory or he doesn't give a rats ass about any of us

 They go back and forth like this for a while, Cas is adamant that he can find God and needs some kind of amulet the glows hot in the presence of God, Bobby says he has never heard of such a thing and doesn't know how to find it but Cas looks at Dean and indicates that Dean knows where and what it is. Turns out its Dean's necklace, a necklace he has been wearing since the beginning so he has attachment issues but eventually turns it over and is not happy that he now feels naked without it.

After Cas leaves Bobby's cell rings and its hunter that goes by Rufus he is asking for helps in the midst of screams and gunshots the line goes dead, Sam & Dean take the task on and go to River Pass, Colorado. As they drive in the only bridge into town has been destroyed and they hike into town and find it deserted and in chaos with blood on the street so they move in cautiously only to be met by Ellen and old friend who douses them with holy water just to be sure they are who they say they are and then goes on the chastise them for being allergic to give her peace of mind by not calling to check in with her to let her know they are all right. 

Ellen explains that the town has been overrun by demons and they have possessed most of the town and killed the rest and only a handful on they remain, the brothers decide that they need more weapons so they go into town to get guns and salt. Dean is not sold on Sam coming with him as he is not sure he can trust Sam when it comes to demons and their blood but Sam tells him to trust him, Sam does encounter two demons, he kills them and its having a moment of weakness, he is craving the blood and might have had a little but Dean walks in and encounters the scene before him and just looks at Sam. Back at their hide out with the guns and salt they give the other a rush course on guns how to load and shoot, Ellen and San decide to go out to look for Joe and Rufus, they find a house with its chimney going and it turns out to be the demon hold and Sam makes and observation that "demons do not get cold" while being stealthy they get waylaid by two demons one of them Joe, they knock Sam out and Ellen runs back to the hide to tell Dean what happened.

Sam's tied to a chair, Joe and Rufus are trying to exorcise his demon because for some reason they think Sam is the one possessed and they are at a loss as to why the holy water and salt isn't burning him so they leave him alone ties to the chair to regroup. One of the towns' people who is supposed to be in the hide out with the others enters the room and pulls up a chair, Sam asks him "What are you?", they get to talking and it turns out he is one of the four horsemen on the apocalypse, War to be exact and he is just having fun playing the towns people against each other, no demons just a mass hallucination. 

Back at the hide out Dean is not far behind Sam in finding out what is going on, after Ellen describes the attack Dean begins to wonder why the hunter Rufus first came to this town, turn out he was following an omen which was a shooting star and a river that ran polluted all of a sudden, Dean reading from Revelation 8:10 figured out the horsemen angle and went to help convince Rufus and Joe and get War, Sam and Dean cornered War as he was trying to drive away in his shiny Red Mustang since they could not hill him the removed what he was using to cause the hallucination and he pooffed car and all.

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Thursday 17 September 2009

Bones 5x01 - The Harbingers in the Fountain

Its 6 weeks later, Brennan just got back from Guatemala and she is in the park with Angela talking to a psychic of all things, the psychic Avalon Harmonia [Cyndi Lauper] is pulling out tarot cards, interpreting the cards with the help of Angela telling how Brennan is connected to Booth, how they were lovers and she was pregnant in Booth's alternate coma world and of course Bernnan in her totally logical way debunks it all saying there is no scientific basis for their conclusions and takes her leave saying she was hungry and tired after her long trip from Guatemala .
Booths is with Sweets being cleared for active, they have a little talk about how Booth feels about the differences in his coma world and the real world, the main issue being Booth is in love with Brennan Booth pushes everything aside saying he is good, takes his gun and goes straight to Brennan's office. Enter Brenan to her office preoccupied because Camille asked her for a hug and Hodgins did hug her, she was taking her coat off and moved to sit on a sleeping Booth on her couch. They hugged said hello and all that jazz, Angela comes along and to tell them that there are bodies buried under a Washington, DC fountain.

They take a GPR to the fountain to search for the bodies, they find 12 bodies and one of them turns out to be the sister of the psychic Avalon Harmonia, they were members of a group that were going to relocate to an underwater utopia because they were allergic to civilization. They paid the leader $1m for the alleged place in this said utopia, but something went hinky of the 14 members of this group 12 were found under the fountain, turns out they were poisoned with anti freeze and buried, the only survivors of this carnage was the leader and the group doctor who was involved. This doctor almost killed Brennan, Booth got there just in time being sent to save Brennan by the psychic and of course Brennan says it's all rubbish. 

All in all it was a good episode, the fact that there seems to be hope for Booth and Brennan in the romance department so we all just have to a wait and see.

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Sunday 13 September 2009

Supernatural Season 5x01, No Sympathy for the Devil

The season finale of season 4 left us with Sam and Dean in a room with the Devil emerging from hell in the form of this bright light and from our view it looked like their goose was cooked for sure because there was no obvious way out. So me like everyone else I can imaging was expecting some huge fight scene where Sam and Dean Banish the devil back to his hole but that was not the case.

The episode opens with Sam and Dean trapped in the room with this bright light and it looks really dire but then they are suddenly in an aeroplane that looks like it's about to crash, and I'm like WTF, it continues to where they [Sam & Dean] are in a car driving and flicking through radio stations all reporting natural disasters from earthquakes to Tsunamis.

They get to a motel room to regroup and decide to go see the Prophet Chuck, when they get there it looks like a bomb went off and there's blood everywhere but not Chucks, it turns out that the Angel Castiel was killed by the other renegade angel Zachariah and they now want Dean to go with them and do what they want, but as we all know Dean doesn't take kindly to folks trying to screw him over so he uses a trick he learned from Cas to remove the angels from the immediate area to give them a chance to get their bearings together.
All this while an man known to us as Jim is having freaky dreams of crying babies and having visions of his dead wife, his hallucinations are telling him he is special and we discover the devil like other angels we have encountered needs a vessel to effect any impact in out dimension, like other angels he also needs the consent of the Meat suit as Dean calls it, to possess their body and do with it as they will, so the devil is messing with this Jim guy's head to get what it wants.

Chuck the prophet has a vision and since he believes he is being watched by Zachariah delivers it to the boys via his number one fan who is kind of wired but you have to see it to get it, enewaz the message delivered to the boys is that the Michael sword is on earth and they have to find it and use it against the devil, so the boys do some research and Bobby comes to help them, Sam tried to apologize to Bobby for being a dip shit and not listening to his brother, drinking demon blood, going off with that crazy demon bitch Ruby and releasing the devil but Bobby doesn't want to hear any apology and tells Sam to scram and loose his number if they survive this Devil situation. Sam leaves Dean and Bobby in the motel room to continue the research into finding the Michael sword, Dean has a epiphany to the location of the sword and then the strangest thing happens, Bobby attacks Dean, turns out Bobby is been possessed by a demon and has other demon friends looking to stop the brothers, one particular demon in the mix is Meg from way back when, long story short Sam comes back finds Dean in a fight with the demons and tries to help, Bobby tries to stab Dean with the demon killing knife while Dean implores him to fight the possession, Bobby fights with Dean and his possession and eventually stabs himself to kill the demon, Meg flees and they take Bobby to the hospital.

After leaving Bobby in the hospital they go to the storage locker where they think the Michael sword is, they find two dead demons and the renegade angel Zachariah and his crew waiting for them, Zachariah explains that the Michael Sword is not a thing but a who and that who happens to be Dean, Zachariah wants Dean to consent to letting the Archangel Michael possess his body to take down the Devil and of course Dean tells him where to put it, so Zachariah tortures Sam and Dean to make Dean say yes to being possessed. Enter Castiel who is supposed to be dead, he kills Zechariahs' lackeys, Zachariah is so shocked to see him because he killed Cas himself and then Cas asks him " who does he think put Sam and Dean on the aeroplane from the locked room with the devil and who does he think brought him back", Zachariah visible pales, Cas tells him to fix the brothers and get lost which he does, Cas then gives them protection against being detected by any angels including the devil and wishes them Gods speed.

I have awaited for Supernatural season 5 for months now and believe me it's been excruciating, but it's here now and I've seen it and I'm not sure what I expected but I didn't expect this, I thought there would be some big fight and the brothers would vanquish the devil but not so looks like this whole season is going to be about Sam, Dean and the Devil and I must say I'm looking forward to what they have to do to get rid of him.

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Friday 11 September 2009

Heroes Returns

When Heroes returns on September 21, Željko Ivanek will be returning with it. The acclaimed actor, who appeared throughout volume four as Emile Danko, "the hunter," will be returning to the series for its first episode, though from the looks of the first promotional photos released, it might not be for very long.

A few of the recently released promotional photos from the first episode don't make it look like Danko's going to be a major fixture of volume five — or any other volumes for that matter. Instead, it looks like he's going to get a little cut up by Darth Maul's — sorry, I mean Ray Park's — new character Edgar, a member of the carnival and a wielder of some nasty-looking knives.

However, Danko is also seen sharing a scene with the Haitian, and he looks like he's in about the same shape as he was when he was cut up. This leaves us two clear options: either 1) the Haitian is working with Edgar and the carnival, or 2) he saves Danko. I'm fine with either, though I would like to see Danko survive. A good anti-hero is hard to find, and Sylar can only last for so long.

Source: tvovermind

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The Vampire Diaries

Should you watch The Vampire Diaries? Don't go calling this a Twilight ripoff, even if the CW only greenlighted the show because of the Twilight phenom. TVD goes way back, and depending how closely the series follows the best-selling books, you might wonder why author L.J. Smith hasn't filed a copyright infringement lawsuit of her own against Stephenie Meyer.

Here's the (familiar) premise: Elena (Dobrev) is a forlorn high schooler mourning her parents' death when a mysterious, enthralling new boy, Stefan (Wesley), arrives at her school and captures her heart. But true love must overcome the usual hurdles—the boy being a vampire and all that—and more difficult challenges, like Stefan's wickedly sexy older brother, Damon (Somerhalder), exsanguinating the townspeople of Mystic Falls...and stalking Elena.As Somerhalder told us at Comic-Con, the CW series "might be an edgier version of Twilight." (We got that from the violent attack in the opening scene.)

And you know what, fangthusiasts? "Twilight comes once a year," observes Somerhalder, "[but The Vampire Diaries] comes once a week." No one captures teen angst better than writer-producer Kevin Williamson (Dawson's Creek), whose biting dialogue elevates a potentially sappy story—it's worth a weekly visit to Mystic Falls.

Source: eonline

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Tuesday 8 September 2009

Grey's Anatomy, Season 6 Promo

Well, its official: The new season of Grey’s Anatomy now has a shiny premiere date and now we at least know exactly how much longer we have to wait. The magical date is Thursday, September 24 so be sure to tap that into your calendar of choice. The time and place is of course 9/8c on ABC. So that leaves us with about four more months of suffering before we can finally find out exactly what happens with George and Izzie. They do love to torture us, don’t they?

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Dollhouse Season 2 Promo

Despite low ratings in its first season, Dollhouse was renewed for a second season of thirteen episodes.  Among other factors, fan response to the show was seen as a reason for the renewal; FOX's president of entertainment stated that "if we'd cancelled Joss' show I'd probably have 110 million e-mails this morning from the fans." As part of the deal, there was a cut in the show's budget, though Whedon has stated that this will not affect the second season. The series will continue in its 9–10 pm Friday timeslot, with the season premiere scheduled for September 25, 2009. Season 2 of Dollhouse began filming on July 22, 2009, so Fox pushed back Dollhouse's return to afford Whedon & Co. sufficient time to produce enough hours to kick off the season with at least three or four consecutive episodes.
Miracle Laurie announced that she will be returning in the second season. Alexis Denisof will be joining the cast as Senator Daniel Perrin, and Summer Glau is scheduled to appear in at least two episodes as Bennett, a character who is working inside a Dollhouse. Michael Hogan and Jamie Bamber, will both have a cameo.
Source: wikipedia 

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Gossip Girl, Season 3 Promo

The CW has renewed Gossip Girl for a third season,which will start airing on September 14, 2009. The cast began filming on June 29, 2009 in New York City. Hilary Duff has confirmed that she will be joining the show for a multi-episode guest arc in this season as Olivia Burke, a famous movie star who wants a normal college experience. 
This character was inspired by real life actress Emma Watson's decision to attend college. Joanna García has confirmed that she will also be joining the show for the first four episodes as Bree Buckley, an "evil Miss America type" from a rival Texas family who have a lot of beef with the Archibalds - she will serve as love interest for Nate. America's Next Top Model boss Tyra Banks has been confirmed to appear in the fourth episode as Ursula Nyquist, a larger than life actress, who'll work with Serena. Also appearing in this episode is Sonya Harum an up and coming actress and designers Tory Burch and Georgina Chapman. Music group Sonic Youth will make a guest appearance in the show's fifth episode playing an acoustic version of their song "Starpower". This episode is a "big event" involving Rufus and Lilly. Gina Torres has been cast in a recurring role as Vanessa's mother, Gabriela Abrams

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House, Season 6 Promo

 Fox medical drama House kicks off its sixth season with a two-hour premiere on September 21. That's nearly a month and a half away before we figure out what will become of House after being admitted to a mental facility supposedly for detox. Of course, there are other notable storylines that hang in the balance, including the possibility of House and Cuddy finally doing something more than a hallucinatory hook-up, newlyweds Chase and Cameron, and the team minus Kutner.

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Monday 7 September 2009

Criminal Minds, Season 5 Promo

While profiling a killer with a personal vendetta against an emergency room doctor, the BAU team discovers that Hotch is missing, on the 5th season premiere ode criminal minds airing September 23, 2009

Source: CW

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Thursday 3 September 2009

Fringe, Complete First Season on DVD

Anna Torv, Joshua Jackson, John Noble as Dr. Walter Bishop

Special Features:
Fringe: Deciphering the Scene on Every Episode
Dissected Files / Unaired Scenes
The Massive Undertaking Docupods on Select Episodes
Unusual Side Effects: Gag Reel
Roberto Orci's Production Diary
Gene the Cow

The Details:
The following is the official description of the series:

"Teleportation. Mind control. Invisibility. Astral projection. Mutation. Reanimation. Phenomena that exist on the Fringe of science unleash their strange powers in this thrilling series, co-created by J.J. Abrams ('Lost,' 'Alias'), combining the grit of the police procedural with the excitement of the unknown. The story revolves around three unlikely colleagues – a beautiful young FBI agent, a brilliant scientist who's spent the last 17 years in a mental institution and the scientist's sardonic son – who investigate a series of bizarre deaths and disasters known as "the pattern." Someone is using our world as an experimental lab. And all clues lead to Massive Dynamic, a shadowy global corporation that may be more powerful than any nation."

"Fringe: The Complete First Season" is not rated.

I started watching "Fringe" when it first aired. I caught the first six episodes, then they started piling up on the DVR and I missed the rest. (My wife, on the other hand, continued watching the whole series.) I liked the show well enough, but there was nothing that particularly compelled me to keep watching. It wasn't like "Heroes" or "Lost" where some bigger story was unfolding and I couldn't wait to see what happened next. Yes, "Fringe" has a bigger underlying mystery, but it takes a lot longer to unfold. I guess I wasn't patient enough.

If I had to describe "Fringe" to the uninitiated, I'd say it's a new take on "The X-Files." In each episode our FBI heroes take on a new, bizarre, unexplained mystery. Mulder and Scully are combined into FBI Agent Olivia Dunham who partly 'wants to believe' and partly is skeptical. She is teamed with a mad scientist and his estranged son. Each week they come upon a freaky murder mystery, investigate it, discover that their mad scientist was somehow involved in its development, then catch the bad guy. It definitely followed a formula. "Fringe" takes pride in the fact that each event is somewhat based on real science or real legend. They like to have a degree of believability in the scientific horror that takes place whether it be recovering images from the eye of a dead body or accelerated aging or bio-engineered mutants. However, for every reason it might seem probable, you could think of 10 reasons why it couldn't possibly happen. I think that's part of the peril of hanging your hat on believability and it often backfires on them as the mysteries become more and more outlandish.

"Fringe" does have a very strong cast. Anna Torv is great as Agent Olivia Dunham. She's tough, no-nonsense, and by the book. She's a bit of a tomboy as we almost always see her in a suit, but she's still feminine and attractive. Torv is a great leading lady. Torv is also an Australian, so I'm impressed she pulls off a convincing American accent. Joshua Jackson is also good as Peter Bishop, Walter's alienated son. His constant sarcasm can potentially turn the audience off, but he manages to walk that fine line between being annoying and appealing. John Noble has the best role in the cast as Dr. Walter Bishop, the resident mad scientist. I have no idea how a character could be such a master of medicine, physics, and every other scientific field. But Noble also pulls it off while getting the added bonus of acting eccentric and partially insane. Lance Reddick is also good as the stone faced Agent Phillip Broyles. But especially notable is a season ending cameo by Leonard Nimoy as a crucial character in the "Fringe" mythos. His appearance alone is enough to get people like me to tune in to Season 2.

I think if you enjoyed "The X-Files," you're a prime candidate to enjoy "Fringe." This show should get you through your Mulder and Scully withdrawals. Pick up this DVD and catch up now before the second season begins.

The bonus features are smeared all over this 7 disc DVD set. Each episode has a brief featurette showing some behind the scenes footage of the making of the episode. Three episodes have commentary by the crew (Abrams, Orci, Kurtzman, etc) but none of the cast. There are also deleted scenes, a gag reel, a featurette on the visual effects....and the cow. I'll also add that the lenticular cover is pretty cool looking, though I wish there was some explanation for the frogs, leaves, seahorses, and other icons that accompany each episode.


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