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Monday 3 August 2009

Bones, Season 5

Bones is currently on hiatus. Series was renewed for seasons five and six. Season five will air on September 17

Episode 5.01: The Harbingers in the Fountain
Airdate: September 17, 2009

Twelve human skeletons were found beneath a fountain and all of them were poisoned and at least one of them was murdered with a speargun because the poisoned didn't work on that victim. Their ingestigation brings them to the Harbingers of a New Day, which seems to be a sort of religious group or cult that wants to live in a underwater utopia. Booth wants proof that one of his suspects was actually named differently in the past. It looks like Cyndi Lauper's character may be named Avalon Harmonia and would be introduced in this episode. Caroline, Angela, and Sweets also appear. Source:

After Booth’s operation his problem isn't remembering who Brennan is," [Hart Hanson] tells me, "it's remembering which Brennan she is. " Source: The Ausiello Files

Episode 5.02: The Bond in the Boot
Airdate: September 24, 2009

When Dr. Brennan and Agent Booth first meet Lena, she explains that she hired Yuri Antanov as a courier for her diamond company. She says Antanov was supposed to be carrying a briefcase holding $2 million worth of gems from Siberia into the United States for some of her clients. Instead he was killed by CIA analyst Greg Dorit who in turn took the briefcase of diamonds and hid it. As it turns out Miss BRODSKY is actually responsible for the torture and murder of Dorit, whom she'd hoped would give her information regarding the whereabouts of the aforementioned briefcase - which held something far more dangerous to U.S. national security than diamonds. Source: SpoilerTV

Episode 5.03: The Plain in the Prodigy
Airdate: October 2009

Episode 5.04: Beautiful Day in the Neighbourhood
Airdate: October 2009

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